Why We Choose the Name Ekklēsia

The Ancient Call to Create and Connect

August 07, 20243 min read

Why "Ekklēsia"? The Significance of Our Name…

Choosing a name for our theater company was a deeply thoughtful and intentional process. We wanted a name that reflects our mission, vision, and the essence of what we aim to achieve. "Ekklēsia" may not be the easiest name to pronounce, nor is it a modern term, but it holds profound significance and embodies our purpose in a way that no other word could.

What Does "Ekklēsia" Mean?

Ekklēsia is a Greek word, traditionally translated as "a called-out assembly" or "a gathering of people." This term is deeply rooted in the early Christian church and appears numerous times in the New Testament. It signifies more than just a group of people coming together; it represents a community called out for a specific purpose. This concept aligns perfectly with our vision of creating a space where stories can be told, heard, and experienced in a meaningful way.

The Significance of Being "Called Out"

The idea of being "called out" is integral to our identity. In the New Testament, ekklesia is often used to describe the church - not just as a physical building, but as a body of believers who are called out of the world to live differently, to shine as lights in the darkness. This notion of being distinct, set apart for a higher purpose, resonates deeply with us. We believe that through storytelling and theater, we can touch lives, inspire change, and bring people closer to the truth and beauty of God's creation.

God has called ALL of us out. Even those who are reading this post or attending a performance in the future, whether they know Him or believe in Him, are known by Him and are called by name. This calling is universal, encompassing every individual, as we are all invited into a deeper relationship with the Creator.

An Ancient Name with Timeless Relevance

Although ekklesia is an ancient term, its relevance transcends time. In an age where we are constantly bombarded with noise and distractions, the ancient practice of gathering to share stories is more crucial than ever. Stories have a unique power to connect us, to bridge divides, and to reflect the complexities of the human experience. By choosing a name with historical depth, we honor the timeless tradition of storytelling that has been a part of humanity since the beginning.

The Power of Creation

"In the beginning God created" (Genesis 1:1). The very first thing we learn about God is that He is a creator. His act of creation was profound, bringing something out of nothing with His word. As beings made in His image, we too are creators. We create art, families, communities, and futures. The act of storytelling is a creative process, one that mirrors the divine act of creation. It is through stories that we explore, understand, and reflect the world around us, and ultimately, the Creator Himself.

The Spiritual and Communal Aspect

There are moments when a story, a piece of art, or a performance transcends the ordinary. It touches something deep within us, stirring our souls and reminding us of a reality beyond the mundane. These moments are spiritual, connecting us to something greater. The Holy Spirit moves through these experiences, calling us forward, reminding us of our purpose, and uniting us in a shared human experience.

In choosing the name Ekklēsia, we embrace this spiritual dimension of storytelling. We acknowledge that we are part of a larger story, one that began with God and continues through us. We are called to be light in the world, to share stories that reflect truth, beauty, and hope.


Ekklēsia is more than just a name; it is a declaration of our mission and our identity. It signifies our commitment to being a called-out assembly, dedicated to creating and sharing stories that inspire, challenge, and unite. It is a name that honors the ancient tradition of storytelling while embracing its timeless power to transform lives. Through Ekklēsia Theatre, we invite you to join us in this journey of creativity, faith, and community. Together, we will explore the depths of human experience and the boundless love of our Creator.

Chris Murphy is the founder and director of Ekklēsia Theatre.

Chris Murphy

Chris Murphy is the founder and director of Ekklēsia Theatre.

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